1. water under the bridge _________________________
2. pay through the nose ________________________
3. under the weather _____________________
4. go around in circles _____________________
5. out of the frying pan and into the fire________
6. make your hair stand on end _____________________
7. nose to the grindstone___________________
8. pie in the sky _____________________
9. fly off the handle_______________________
10. tongue in cheek _____________________
11. clean as a whistle__________________________
12. bury your head in the sand________________________
13. lay down the law_______________________
14. throw in the towel __________________________
15. jump on the bandwagon________________________
16. the ball is in your court________________
17. hold your horses_________________________
18. eat crow _______________________
19. a bad hair day ___________________________
20. bury the
hatchet __________________________