K-12 ClipArt/Graphics Sites
Gina Otto
 From Backgrounds and Graphics "A Touch of Country"

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ANIMAL PICTURES ARCHIVE - http://AnimalPicturesArchive.com/
From Bioinfo, over 16,000 images posted specifically for educational use. Most of the images in this archive were downloaded from the newsgroups. You can even upload your own animal pictures.

bBACK TO SCHOOL CLIP ART - http://www.bry-backmanor.org/schoolclipart.html

CERTIFICATE CREATOR -http://www.certificatecreator.com
There are presently 38 prebuilt certificates to choose from and customize in 5 different categories. built certificates to choose from and customize in 5 different categories.  Creating certificates is easy to do, you will create your first certificate in less than 5 minutes.

CLASSROOM CLIPART  - http://classroomclipart.com/
This site, created by a former classroom teacher, is easy to use and has great images.  There are over 13,000 images in 413 categories. Students need to read the terms of use and understand that these are to be used for educational uses only.  You can browse the site, by clicking on the RAND button in the upper right hand corner.  This brings up a page of random images, so you can get an idea of the scope of the collection.

cCLIP ART LISTINGS - http://www.teacherfiles.com/clip_art.htm
There are 20 different catagories of clip art for teachers, offices, etc.

CLIP ART TOPICS, AN A TO Z LIST - http://webclipart.about.com/library/weekly/blnettop.htm

caCOOLTEXT - http://www.cooltext.com
This is COOL!  CoolText.com is a totally free online tool that generates customized graphics. Choose your favorite colors, font, and style, and create buttons, logos, and bullets for your Web pages.

cFREE GRAPHICS - http://www.freegraphics.com/
A searchable database of the best free graphics sites on the web. Sites are reviewed, rated, and divided into categories.

GOOGLE IMAGES SEARCH - http://images.google.com/
Just type in what you want to find image-wise and up will come great sites.

GRAPHICS AND CLIPART - http://www.countryclipart.com/
Graphics and Clip Art by Original Country Clip Art by Lisa - School stuff. recipe cards, and other stuff.

cGRAPHICS FOR TEACHERS - http://www.teachingheart.net/graphic1.html
Often, teachers wonder where to get great graphics for their Web Pages, Activity Sheets, Newsletters, Power Point, and Emails. Here are great places to get them.  

- http://www.jsmagic.net/free/
Direct links to free graphics of the sort we're always looking for. In return for providing a link back to the site, you may use any of these graphics. According to the site, these images have been collected from various newsgroups and public domain sources, and all are believed to be free of copyright (always a good idea to double-check). Sections include: African American related, Out West, Kith 'n Kin (vintage graphics), "Hot" Desktop Wallpapers, Backgrounds, School Daze, Creature Corner, Baby Book, and Seasonal.

GRAPHICS RING - http://www.graphicsring.com/
Clipart, font, photo and web graphics links.  You can subscribe to a bi-weekly graphics Newletter too.

MAXIE THE MAGNIFICENT HISTORY FUN STUFF - http://www.mrdonn.org/clipart.html
Just the neatest icons and clip art for HISTORY, divided by topic.  The pyramid icon in front of this came from that page.

<>TEACHER FILES - http://www.teacherfiles.com/clip_art.htm
Free educational clip art for teachers, by curriculum, and theme, with clip art with words and printable decorated border writing paper, and a link to other free clipart images.

WEB'S BEST SOURCE FOR EDUCATIONAL CLIP ART - http://www.clipsahoy.com/school.htm
Great selection of education and school related clip art for all of your needs. Select your favorite school category  to see the wide array of cartoon and realistic cliparts  waiting for you to download! If you can't find what you need, click the request link, and they will make it for you!


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Last Updated October, 2022

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