K-12 Columbus
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CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS - http://www.history.com/topics/exploration/christopher-columbus
  There is a video that runs thru the site.

COLUMBUS LESSON PLANS - http://holidays.mrdonn.org/columbusday.html
From Mr. Donn's wonderful history pages, here is an overview and collection of lesson links online that have to do with Columbus.

COLUMBUS' NAVIGATION - http://www.columbusnavigation.com//
This is a technical look into the voyages of Columbus, covering such fundamental questions as latitude, longitude, dead reckoning navigation, celestial navigation, and discussion starters like 'How long was Columbus's league? ' Lots of good information here!

THE INDIAN'S DISCOVERY OF COLUMBUS - http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1992/2/92.02.01.x.html
A view of Columbus' encounters with indigenous peoples and then truth of who actually found who. Secondary students and above, or resource only.

JUST WHERE WAS COLUMBUS? - http://www.infoplease.com/spot/columbus.html
The Information Please Almanac asks "exactly where was Columbus on October 12, 1492? There is a lot of solid information here written in a kid friendly way. It's a fun read!

1492: AN ONGOING VOYAGE - http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/1492/
The Library of Congress offers this examination of America from pre-Columbian times through colonization of the continent with a nice section on "Christopher Columbus, the man and the myth". The section on How to use the 1492 Exhibit offers guidelines for making use of the site.

WHEN DID COLUMBUS DISCOVER AMERICA?<>  http://europeanhistory.about.com/library/bldyk4.htm
Did Columbus discover America in 1492? ? Not according to Ruggero Marino who claims that Columbus reached America in 1485. Check this out.


Last Updated October, 2022  

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