K-12 Interactive Reading Sites
Gina Otto

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NACTIVITY PAD - http://www.activitypad.com/
Activity Pad offers printable preschool activities, word search puzzles, mazes, kid games and more to help children learn and have fun!

NALICE IN WONDERLAND, AN INTERACTIVE ADVENTURE - http://www.ruthannzaroff.com/wonderland/
A wonderful world of Lewis Carroll. So many different activities, like Alice's Guessing Game (hangman type), Help Distract the Puppy (a draw/color activity) - for all ages.

NFREE ON-LINE READING COMPRENSION WORKSHEETS - http://www.englishmaven.org/Pages/Reading%20Comprehension.htm
From verb tenses to grammatical person, and all interesting things in between, this is an interesting website. Try it.

INTERACTIVE READING COMPREHENSION - https://www.liveworksheets.com/worksheets/en/English_as_a_Second_Language_(ESL)/Reading_comprehension
Worksheets and online exercises, originally for ESL learners, but applicable for all new readers.

INTERACTIVE READING GAMES - http://www.funenglishgames.com/readinggames.html
Fun reading games for kids.  You will find an awesome range of free English activities and practice exercises that are perfict for students. Poetry,non-fiction book publishing, map directions and how to use a dictionary, all available by grade level. I like the Maps & Directions activities for following directions. Very cool.

LAURA CANDLER’S FILE CABINET - http://www.lauracandler.com/filecabinet/index.php
In the file drawers, you'll find all sorts of activity sheets and blackline masters created for Laura’s classroom. All of them are in PDF format, so you'll need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader plug-in to view and print the files.

MAJOR TESTS: SAT PREP: READING COMPREHENSION - http://www.majortests.com/sat/reading-comprehension.php
Major Tests is specifically for high-school students prepping for the Critical Reading section of the SAT. Since the reading passages on the actual SAT vary in length and number of questions, so do these fourteen practice tests. Each interactive practice quiz is scored immediately, and wrong answers are explained. Other sections of the site cover math, vocabulary and writing skills.

MR. NUSSBAUM: READING COMPREHENSION EXERCISES - http://www.mrnussbaum.com/readingpassageindex.htm
Looking for short passages for reading comp. Here they are,with questions and answers. Mr. Nussbaum (a fourth grade teacher from Virginia) color codes the grade-levels for his reading quizzes, and organizes them into topic areas such as Famous People, Animals, and History. Review the instructions on the sample screenshot before you begin. It shows you where the timer is (only for fourth and fifth grade levels) and how to change the layout of the questions.

NPRACTICE READING TESTS - http://www.pearsonlongman.com/ae/marketing/sfesl/practicereading.html
Originally written for grades 1-8 LEP students, these tests can be used by anyone. The reading tests provided here are a combination of multiple choice, short-answer, and long-answer questions. The short-answer and long-answer questions are designed to have students process the information in the passage, analyze it, and organize it to get the answer. In this way, "these practice questions test students’ analytical abilities, not just comprehension."

READING ROCKETShttp://www.readingrockets.org/
Lots of links including five homework strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities. Students are expected to complete homework, even those who have trouble with learning or reading.

SEUSSVILLE - https://www.seussville.com/dr-seuss-simulator-game-on-roblox//
Activities include obstacle challenges like tight ropes, mazes, high dives, cannonball, slides, and gathering up items throughout the world. Players complete the activities in several zones, each featuring familiar Seussian icons such as The Circus McGurkus and the colorful truffula trees while wearing the Cat’s iconic stovepipe hat. .

NSTARFALL.COM (LEARN TO READ) - http://www.starfall.com/
Primarily designed for first grade, the website and companion printed materials are designed to be fun and to give confidence to young children as they learn to read. Begin with "ABCs" which helps learners recognize the relationship between letters and sounds. "Learn to Read" features one vowel to listen to, manipulate, read, and eventually move toward mastering sound-spelling. "It's Fun to Read" explores a variety of genres and topics to expand reading vocabulary and comprehension. The advanced section, "I'm Reading," transitions from learning to read to reading to learn. Primarily designed for first grade. Make sure to scroll down to view entire page; some content is below the Flash player and might be overlooked.

<>NSTORY NORY: FREE AUDIO STORIES FOR KIDS - http://storynory.com/
Wonderful audio stories, all narrated by Natasha Gostwick,Story Nory is an archive of stories old and new, with a brand new recording released every week. These can be listened to on the computer, easily transferred to an iPod, or copied to a CD for listening in the car. The stories are classified as Original, Fairytales, Classics, Educational and Junior (which are the simplest stories specifically for toddlers and ESL students.)

Free comprehension worksheets for k-34 and for grades 3, 4, and 5. Really nicely laid out. Also included are LanguageArts Worksheet makers, workbooks, holiday worksheets, and science and social studies worksheets. Check out Japanese Kendo. Neat.


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Last updated October, 2022

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