K-12 Projects On Line
 Gina Otto

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                                                                                               Image from Bring the Internet Into the Classroom
                                                                                                           NASA Internet On-line Resources

And Innovative Ways to Teach
<>AMAZING TRAVEL BUREAU - http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/games/interactiveadventures/
Sign in and when you pull something out of the bureau, it is the start of an adventure into the past, present or future. Seven games.

Collaborative learning/distance learning?  Each week they explore a different topic in 42eXplore.  There is an index for past topics and activities for the first timers. Internet sources are included.  Check this out and explore!

FLAT STANLEY - http://www.flatstanleybooks.com/
The all Flat Stanley website. Read the book, send Flat Stanley somewhere and interact with kids all over the country.

HOW DO YOU EAT AN OREO? - http://www.angelfire.com/mi/sans38/oreo.html
If you're new to online projects and would like to test the waters with a fun, non-threatening task, this may be the project for you! Students of all ages are invited to provide cookies and milk to subjects and record how they eat their Oreos: biting, nibbling, breaking, dunking, whole, or some other newfangled way) and then submit the data to the project to identify patterns of behavior. The emphasis here is on working with numbers and graphing, but the tie-ins to other areas of your curriculum are as numerous as your imagination!

<>PROJECTS BASED RUBRICS/CHECKLISTS - http://pblchecklist.4teachers.org/
Wow!  Just what the teacher ordered.  A pull down menu for check lists for projects, writing, oral, science and multimedia.  Just takes a minute and you don’t have to do much.  Just decide what you want to grade!!

SOLAR SYSTEM SIMULATOR - http://space.jpl.nasa.gov/
A spyglass on the Cosmos.  You can have the simulator create a color image of your favorite planet or satellite
.VIRTUAL FIELD TRIPS - http://surfaquarium.com/IT/vft.htm
Collections and individual Virtual Field Trips from Surfaquarium's Innovative Teaching. An online field trip does not have to be just a visit to a physical location. Virtual field trips can take us inside a plant cell, along a body system, across constellations and through time. Once preconceived assumptions are set aside, virtual field trips redefine the limits of our physical classroom and our traditional concepts of teaching and learning.

VIRTUAL FIELD TRIPS PAGE - http://www.field-trips.org/trips.htm
This is the jumping off point to the field trips of your choice. Everything from beaches to volcanoes. To take any field trip, just click its name.  If you have ideas for a trip you don't see listed, let them know! 

THE VIRTUAL WALL - http://www.thevirtualwall.org/
This is a digital, interactive legacy, memorializing the 58,220 men and women who gave their lives in Vietnam. Visitors can upload text, audio or photo remembrances, participate in chat sessions with noted historians and journalists, and post information about upcoming reunions.


NALICE IN WONDERLAND, AN INTERACTIVE ADVENTURE - http://www.ruthannzaroff.com/wonderland/
A wonderful world of Lewis Carroll. So many different activities, like Alice's Guessing Game (hangman type), Help Distract the Puppy (a draw/color activity) - for all ages.

AMAZING TRAVEL BUREAU - http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/97/bureau/
National Geographic site for kids.  When they click into the bureau they will begin an adventure into the past, present or future.

AMAZON INTERACTIVE -  http://www.eduweb.com/amazon.html
Learn about the people and geography of the Ecuadorian Amazon. Try running a community-based ecotourism project.

CARTOONISTS' INDEX - http://www.cagle.com/teacher/
The largest collection of newspaper editorial cartoons on the web --updating current cartoons from 54 newspaper editorial cartoonists PLUS lesson plans for using the editorial cartoons as a teaching tool in Social Sciences, Art, Journalism and English at all levels.

Collaborative learning/distance learning?  Each week they explore a different topic in 42eXplore.  There is an index for past topics and activities for the first timers. Internet sources are included.  Check this out and explore!

rENCHANTED LEARNING SITE - http://www.EnchantedLearning.com/Home.html
YOU DON'T HAVE TO JOIN FOR On-line activities for the little ones includes Bird Jokes, make a truck, nursery rhymes, dinosaurs, Kindercrafts, connect the dots and info about schools in Japan, Africa, Australia and Others.  You'll love it - K-3.

FBI KIDS PAGE - http://fbi.gov/fun-games/kids/kids
Two different sites for kids. The first site is for grades K-5 and is set up in a Field trip format. Pretty extensive overview of fingerprinting, DNA, jobs at the FBI considering the audience. Ends with a cross word puzzle review. The second site, for 6-12 students, follows various cases from through a variety of scenarios. Special Agent Challenge requires answering factual questions about the FBI. Working dogs describes jobs dogs play in bomb sniffing, etc. Games too.

How Tos, Treasure Hunts, curriculum ideas, research tools, activities.  This is a great site.

INSIDE ART - http://www.eduweb.com/insideart/
Participants get sucked into a Van Gogh painting and then must learn all about art in order to get out; terrific online simulation with tie-ins across the curriculum.

LEONARDO'S  MYSTERIOUS MACHINERY - http://www.mos.org/sln/Leonardo/LeosMysteriousmachinery.html
Click on one of eight buttons to view a mysterious machine and figure out which best describes each one.

LINGUISTIC FUN PAGE - http://www.ojohaven.com/fun/
"Looking for a new twist to many of the English topics we attempt to impart to our students? Lots of off-beat approaches."

NATIONAL ZOO - http://nationalzoo.si.edu/default.cfm
A virtual tour including the famed live webcams, a clickable map and enhanced photo library; it's the next best thing to being there!

Project based learning lessons in Social Studies, Language Arts, Math and Science based on State of California Standards.  Click on the appropriate subject matter, and search by grade level.  Also excellent resources, checked for availability.

SCORE - AZTECS MEET THE SPANISH - http://score.rims.k12.ca.us/activity/aztecs_spanish/
and The Fall of Constantinople, "Let's Sue Them All"  - http://score.rims.k12.ca.us/score_lessons/lets_sue/
Links not updated but the basic idea is great! You can find replacements for the dead links.

STAR CHILD - http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/StarChild.html
This is a learning center for young atronomers written by  NASA - kid-friendly with a searchable database for curious teachers  

<>THE THIRTY SECOND CANDIDATE - http://www.pbs.org/30secondcandidate/tricks_of_the_trade/
An offshoot of the PBS Democracy project, this interactive site looks at political advertising in the U.S.

TREASURE HUNTS - http://www.cyberbee.com/hunts.html
Math, science, language arts, references, try them all.

VIRTUAL BLACK HOLES - http://apod.nasa.gov/htmltest/rjn_bht.html
Ever wonder what it would look like to travel to a black hole? A neutron star? Descriptions and MPEG movies of black holes that are scientifically accurate and visually amazing!

WEBQUESTS - http://ginaotto.com/webquesttraining.html
Webquest Training how-tos and great Webquest Sites.  

WESTWARD, HO - http://www.cyberbee.com/wwho/
Westward Ho is now taking registrations.  The LAST wagon train left in January 2005, and headed to Independence, MO, the starting point for the journey. Watch for a 2006 start. If you want your class to participate in this trip, which will be filled with thrills.

<>WHEAT MANIA! - http://www.wheatmania.com/
This site zooms in on real Kansas families and their harvests, like the Stoskopf, Ehmke and Clanton families and their lives as farmers. The sections on Prairie Skyscrapers lets students look inside the mechanics of a grain elevator, and All About Wheat and Flour Power will help your students learn more about the uses of this important agricultural crop. The trivia presented on Kansas, wheat and agriculture in general can be used to create fun learning games in your classroom.

YELLOW JACKIE - http://www.writerguy.com/sciencemystery/yjackie.htm
You hired on as crew to help sail a yacht across half the Pacific. Now, two weeks later, in the aftermath of a gale 500 miles from land, You find something new added to yourjob description: Detective. Read the interactive mystery -- unravel the science-based clues -- enter your answer.  From A & E.


Last Updated June, 2018


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