K-12 Technology Sites
Gina Otto

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CARLOS' COLORING BOOK - http://www.coloring.com/
Activity: Choose a picture, color it, and then show your finished ART to the instructor. This is an example of an interactive coloring page. It redraws the picture with the new color added. You can save your finished picture to a disk or the hard drive as an image file. Import the image into your favorite paint program and print it on a color printer. Another use would be to include it in a project report.

CISCO EDUCATIONAL ARCHIVES - http://www.ibiblio.org/cisco/
No longer being updated, but...The virtual schoolhouse, education network, and the new network operations center all combine to make this a vital teacher technology stop.  Although it is no longer being updated, the material is timeless.  Use it!

COMPLETE GUIDE TO DIGITAL CAMERAS - http://www.shortcourses.com/
Links to everything about Digital Cameras, from how to use them, how to buy one and how to take great pictures to how to edit them.

cCOOLTEXT.COM - http://www.cooltext.com/
By Bryan Livingston,  CoolText.com helps.  Trying to design a home page for your class or school? CoolText.com invites you to create colorful logos, buttons, and bullets for free. Select from various fonts, colors, and designs, and your design will be created and downloadable in minutes.  This button was created by CoolText in 20 seconds.

DIGITAL EDUCATION NETWORK - http://www.actden.com/
Wonderful ideas and approaches for using the Internet as part of your instruction - updated weekly! Includes Math, Writing, News, Graphics, Astronomy, the Internet and tutorials too, like PowerPoint 2007 and 2--3, Outlook Express and others.

DOWNLOAD.COM - http://download.cnet.com/
Education downloads on a variety of subjects - freeware and shareware as well as titles for purchase. Free newsletter.

EDWEB - http://www.edwebproject.org/
Hunt down on-line educational resources around the world, learn about trends in education policy and information infrastructure development, and examine success stories of computers in the classroom. The site has not been updated since 2004, so much of the "new stuff" is not here.

 <>  EXCEL IN THE CLASSROOM - http://www.internet4classrooms.com/on-line_excel.htm
You can find tutorials for most software here. Just click off the popup window and enjoy.

FACEBOOK IN THE CLASSROOM - https://www.theedadvocate.org/10-ways-use-facebook-classroom/
This is a neat tutorial on ten ways to use facebook in the classroom. NEAT!

FREE PDF EDITOR - http://formswift.com/edit-pdf
This is the newest free pdf editor, form filler, and form designer but it is used on line...no downloading. Be sure to save your form to your computer since it is not stored on the PDFescape server. Mac or PC.  You can edit any PDF, E-sign with ease, download and print, and share in seconds. No software required, simply upload and go.

FREE PDF TO WORD CONVERSION - http://www.pdfconverter.com/pdf-to-word-online-free/
Convert PDF to Word in 3 easy steps...select the file, type in your email (guaranteed it will never be sold, rented to given to a third party), then convert file and email it to you. Easy.

4TEACHERS - http://www.4teachers.org/
Links to technology-based learning and activities.  Check it out.

FREE TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHERS - http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2014/06/how-to-use-opened-to-create-practice.html#.U-TSOyh4H9J
This is a free service that offers a huge catalog of educational videos and games. This link demonstrates (via videos) a free tool for creating practice assessments aligned to Common Core standards.  Also click on ipad apps for School, Google Tutorials, free guides and other links.

FROM NOW ON - http://www.fno.org/
The Educational Technology Journal written by Jamie McKenzie - You can subscribe for free.  Includes links to STAFF DEVELOPMENT,  how to use Graphic Organizers. Assessment, copyright information, how to write grants, Internet Use Policies, Technology Planning, Virtual Museums...You want it?  It's probably here.

GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS - http://www.writedesignonline.com/organizers/

HOMESTEAD COM - http://homestead.com
Build a free webpage - step by step, start with a blank page and go. They will host for $4.99 month after a 30 day free trial.  But, you can see just what you want your page to look like and use it for 30 days.

See Treasures on the Web: a Roadmap for Curriculum Opportunities, from the Currency Converter activity to Dinosaur Eggs activity, each one is easy to follow and something you can do in your class without changing the lesson at all.

HOW STUFF WORKS: DIGITAL CAMERAS - http://www.howstuffworks.com/digital-camera.htm
How Stuff Works explains how a digital camera works and includes plenty of practical buying tips along the way. Top click is the Feature section which will help you better understand digital camera jargon.

HOW TO CODEhttp://www.surfnetkids.com/resources/learn-to-code
In celebration of Hour of Code, this is a collection of websites where kids of  all ages can be introduced to computer programming. Hour of Code is a campaign created by Code.org to introduce 10 million students to programming. Dozens of sites created tutorials for Hour of Code. Here are Barbara J. Feldman’s picks.

INTERNET RESOURCES ON CITING - http://www.marcaria.com/internet-resources-on-citing-the-trademark-of-a-good-writer.asp
This is an interesting site recommended by students from Daly City who used my site as a starting point to learn research paper construction and citation. This site explains why citing is important, when citing is needed, and tools to help with citation among other things. Thanks "teach" for your letter.
KATHY SCHROCK'S KATCH OF THE MONTH - http://www.schrockguide.net/
THIS replaces Kathy Schrock's site on the Discovery Channel. Try these. There is a guide to everything techie and classroom

KEYBOARDING see below:

    FREE TYPING GAME - http://www.freetypinggame.net/
There are six arcade-style typing games, thirty keyboarding lessons and thirty timed typing tests, featuring a keyboard that is color coded for our ten fingers. Check it out.
    GOOD TYPING - http://www.goodtyping.com/
27 guided lessons with 18 different keyboard layouts - you need to sign in but it is free.
    LEARN TO TYPE - http://kids.learn2type.com/
A free web site that helps kids master the skills of touch typing. the exercises automatically adjust to the students' skill level. The better they get the more challenging the t yping exercises become. Come and go as  you please and pick up where you left off.
    POWER TYPING - http://www.powertyping.com/
Lots of keyboard practice set to radio music.

LISSA EXPLAINS IT ALL - HTML HELP FOR KIDS - http://www.lissaexplains.com/
Want to make a Web page? You've come to the right place. Lissa is13 years old nd in the 8th grade. She wrote this site.explaining and graphics (she makes all of her graphics herself), and has even made some commercial Web sites!! She  started this page when she was 11 because had a lot of kids ask her questions about how to make their own Web page, and there were no other pages especially for kids to learn HTML. She figured, why not make a page just for kids about how to make their own Web page? She has covered the questions asked the most, and if there is anything you would like to see added, she'll consider it!

MAC HELP FOR MOMS - http://www.machelpformom.com/
What a site! Videos and links for all things Mac, not just for Moms. There is a search function so you can search for something or some help you need.  You can sign up for your free subscription here too.You get free weekly emails describing new videos.

FLICKR - http://www.flickr.com/
An online photo management and sharing site that uses tags, contacts, groups, and geo-mapping to organize photos. You need to join, but users can also set their search preferences to SafeSearch. As with most photo sites, policing is a public duty, so photos that are incorrectly flagged are usually reported.

PHOTOBUCKET - http://photobucket.com/
With one-click posting to MySpace and Facebook (and a handful of blogging platforms), Photobucket calls itself a "creative hub".  Each photo page displays a variety of HTML codes needed to post it elsewhere. There is a no porn policy, but...

SHUTTERFLY - http://www.shutterfly.com/
Photo books, prints, designer cards, calendars, posters, gift certificates, and FREE, unlimited picture storage.

SMILEBOX - http://www.smilebox.com/
Email, blog or print it…Unlike other photo sharing sites that focus on organizing photos, Smilebox is a creative tool for creating personalized multimedia scrapbooks, e-greetings, slide shows, postcards, and photo albums with music, words and themes. Basic designs are free, (ads when shared with friends and family). Upgrades are available for individual designs, or by joining Club Smilebox. There is no public sharing of photos, nor an onsite search function, so safety concerns are not applicable...

TABBLO - http://www.tabblo.com/studio
"Tabblos are your photos and your words combined into your story." Merging photos and captions into a template of your choosing, Tabblo creates printable photo albums (no animation or music) that can be viewed online and shared with a circle of friends. Creating, sharing and storing tabloos are free, and printed photo albums can be purchased. Offensive content is policed by users, and the search function ignores many objectionable keywords.

POWER POINT IN THE CLASSROOM - http://www.actden.com/pp
An eight-unit tutorial for K-12 teachers on how to use PowerPoint98. You'll learn about toolbars; laying out, saving, and moving  information; text; animation; transitions; as well as ways to teach your students to use it. This tutorial is part of a larger site created by actDEN which currrently offers seven software tutorials, produced in conjunction with Microsoft K-12 Education.

POWERFUL PRESENTATION TECHNIQUES - http://www.slideshare.net/theWebChef/ppt-powerful-presentation-techniques
These are slideshow presentations telling how to write a slideshow presentation.  Good stuff.

SCHOOLNOTES.COM - http://new.schoolnotes.com/
Allows you to set up your own page for parents, students and colleagues to access, and keep up to date with homework assignments, event scheduling and professional opportunities. (Use it for students' nightly homework assignments); the service is free and it can be updated as often as you want to keep your audience informed.

SHORT COURSES - http://www.shortcourses.com/
Short Courses is a neat site for its encyclopedic collection of online tutorials. Topics include Batteries, Choosing a Digital Camera, and Editing Digital Photographs.  There is also a great links page with pointers to seven fabulous digital photo galleries.

TECHLEARNING - http://www.techlearning.com/
Produced by the Technology & Learning Magazine The Well Connected Educator and School Tech Expo and Conference, this site contains reviews and recommendations for what's best for using technology in K-12 education, as well as job listings, discussion boards, resources and contests.

TIME LINE MAKER - http://www.teach-nology.com/web_tools/materials/timelines/
This generator can be used to make time lines of up to 9 events of your choice. The timeline maker is at the bottom of the page.

USING COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL - https://www.baylor.edu/copyright/index.php?id=56543

From Baylor University, discover the main issues to consider when using copyrighted material, including how to determine whether a work is copyrighted, understanding fair use, and deciding whether you will need to ask permission for a particular use.


USING TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM  - http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/archives/technology.shtml

An archived site whch compiles many of the features we have done on the subject of using technology in the classroom. Many of these articles have been updated many times or even rewritten as technology changes. That said, due to the ever-changing nature of technology, there will be articles on this list that are a little past their prime period of usefullness. If there are any that you would like us to update or redo, please drop us a line.


WIKIS - A type of collaborative website with tools for adding and editing material. Wikipedia.org is one popular example which gives public editorial rights. A wiki can also be created for a classroom or club. The administrator decides what pages can be edited, who can edit, etc. Check out the article at http://computer.howstuffworks.com/wiki.htm. The following are some wiki sites.

WIKIPEDIA - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
An online encyclopedia which is free, and anyone can edit.  There are over 2,700,000 articles in English.

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Last Updated October, 2022

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